
Online Source Code Documentation

TECA’s C++ sources are documented via Doxygen at the TECA Doxygen site.

Class Indices


The following tables contain a listing of some commonly used TECA classes. The TECA Doxygen site is a more complete reference.

Data Model

TECA’s data model is an essential part of its pipeline based design. The data model enables normalized transfer of data in between pipeline stages. All data that flows through TECA’s pipeline is stored in arrays. Datasets are high level collections of arrays that provide context for structured access. Metadata is stored in dictionary like data structure that associates names with values or arrays.

Data sets

Datasets are collections of arrays that have specific meaning when grouped together.


Metadata is dictionary like structure that maps names to values or arrays.


All data in TECA is stored in arrays. Both data sets and metadata are collections of arrays. The core data structure in TECA is the `teca_variant_array`_. This is a polymorphic base class that defines core API for dealing with array based data. It also serves as a type erasure that is the basis for collections of arrays of different data types. Type specific derived classes are templated instantiations of the `teca_variant_array_impl`_ class.

A design goal of TECA is to achieve high performance to that end TECA does not typically restrict or prescribe the type of data to be processed. Instead the native data type is used. For instance if data loaded from disk has a single precision floating point data type, this data type is maintained as the data moves through a pipeline and this data type is used for the results of calculations. However, in some situations a high or low precision is useful and/or necessary. In those circumstances TECA may change the data type as needed. For these reasons when writing data processing code one must not hard code for a specific type and instead write generic code that can handle any of the supported types.

Additionally, TECA’s load balancing system dynamically executes codes on both the CPU and GPU. Thus one must not make assumptions about the location of data input to a pipeline stage. Instead one must write generic code that can process data on either the CPU or GPU.

The following subsections describe some of the details of how one achieves generic type and device agnostic pipeline stage implementations.

Determining the type of an array

Once an array is retrieved from a dataset its type must be determined and it must be cast into the appropriate type before its elements may be accessed. The approach we take is to try the polymorphic cast to each supported type, when the cast succeeds we know the type, and then array elements may be accessed. The approach is illustrated in the following code defining a function that adds two arrays and returns the result.

Listing 3 Manual type selection.
 1 p_teca_variant_array add_cpu(const const_p_teca_variant_array &a1,
 2                              const const_p_teca_variant_array &a2)
 3 {
 4     size_t n_elem = a1->size();
 6     // allocate the output
 7     p_teca_variant_array ao = a1->new_instance(n_elem);
 9     if (dynamic_cast<teca_double_array*>(a1.get())
10     {
11         // cast output and get pointer to its elements
12         ...
13         // cast inputs and get pointers to their elements
14         ...
16         // do the calculation
17         for (size_t i = 0; i < n_elem; ++i)
18             pao[i] = pa1[i] + pa2[i];
20         // return the result
21         return ao;
22     }
23     else if (dynamic_cast<teca_float_array*>(a1.get())
24     {
25         // cast output and get pointer to its elements
26         ...
27         // cast inputs and get pointers to their elements
28         ...
30         // do the calculation
31         for (size_t i = 0; i < n_elem; ++i)
32             pao[i] = pa1[i] + pa2[i];
34         // return the result
35         return ao;
36     }
37     else if (dynamic_cast<teca_long_array*>(a1.get())
38     {
39         // cast output and get pointer to its elements
40         ...
41         // cast inputs and get pointers to their elements
42         ...
44         // do the calculation
45         for (size_t i = 0; i < n_elem; ++i)
46             pao[i] = pa1[i] + pa2[i];
48         // return the result
49         return ao;
50     }
51     // additional cases for all supported types
52     ...
54     TECA_ERROR("Failed to add the arrays unsupported type")
55     return nullptr;
56 }

We’ve left some of the details out for now to keep the snippet short. We’ll fill these details in shortly. Once the inputs’ types are known we down cast, access the elements, and perform the calculation.

Notice that the code is nearly identical for each different type. Because TECA supports all ISO C++ floating point and integer types as well as a number of higher level types such as std::string, this approach would be quite cumbersome to use in practice if it could not be automated. TECA provides the VARIANT_ARRAY_DISPATCH macro to automate type selection and apply a snippet of code for each supported type. Here is the example modified to use the dispatch macros.

Listing 4 Automating type selection with the VARIANT_ARRAY_DISPATCH macro.
 1 p_teca_variant_array add_cpu(const const_p_teca_variant_array &a1,
 2                              const const_p_teca_variant_array &a2)
 3 {
 4     size_t n_elem = a1->size();
 6     // allocate the output
 7     p_teca_variant_array ao = a1->new_instance(n_elem);
 9     // select array type and apply code to each supported type
12         // cast output and get pointer to its elements
13         ...
14         // cast inputs and get pointers to their elements
15         ...
17         // do the calculation
18         for (size_t i = 0; i < n_elem; ++i)
19             pao[i] = pa1[i] + pa2[i];
21         // return the result
22         return ao;
23         )
25     TECA_ERROR("Failed to add the arrays unsupported type")
26     return nullptr;
27 }

Notice, that the dispatch macros have substantially simplified the type selection process. The macro expands into a sequence of conditions one for each supported type with the user provided code applied to each type.

When using the dispatch macros, in order to perform the casts and declare pointers we need to know the array’s type. This is done through a series of type aliases that are defined inside each expansion of the macro. The following aliases give us the detected element type as well as a number of other useful compound types derived from it.




The array’s element type


The variant array type


The const form of the variant array type


The type of variant array pointer


The const form type of variant array pointer


The element shared pointer type


The const form of the element shared pointer type

Read only access to an array’s elements

Once the type of the array is known, the array will be cast to that type, its elements will be accessed, and the calculations made. The variant array implements so called accessibility methods that are used to access an array’s elements when the location of the data, either CPU or GPU, is unknown. This is the case when dealing with the inputs to a pipeline stage. The accessibility methods declare where, either CPU or GPU, we intend to perform the calculations and internally will move data if it is not already present in the declared location. The accessibility methods are teca_variant_array_impl::get_cpu_accessible and teca_variant_array_impl::get_cuda_accessible.

When data is moved by the accessibility methods, temporary buffers are employed. The use of temporaries has two important consequences when writing data processing code. First, the accessibility functions return smart pointers. The returned smart pointer must be held for as long as we need access to the array’s elements. Once the smart pointer is released, the array’s elements are no longer safe to access, and doing so may result in a nasty crash. Second, data accessed through the accessibility methods should not be modified. This is because when a temporary has been used the changes will be lost. Getting write access to an array’s elements is discussed below.

The teca_variant_array_util defines convenience accessibility functions that simplify use in the most common scenarios. These functions do the following: perform a cast to a typed variant array, call array’s the accessibility method, and get a read only pointer to the array’s elements for use in calculations.

Listing 5 Read only access to input arrays through the accessibility functions.
 1 p_teca_variant_array add_cpu(const const_p_teca_variant_array &a1,
 2                              const const_p_teca_variant_array &a2)
 3 {
 4     size_t n_elem = a1->size();
 6     // allocate the output
 7     p_teca_variant_array ao = a1->new_instance(n_elem);
 9     // select array type and apply code to each supported type
12         // cast output and get pointer to its elements
13         ...
15         // cast inputs and get pointers to their elements
16         assert_type<TT>(a2);
17         auto [spa1, pa1] = get_cpu_accessible<TT>(a1);
18         auto [spa2, pa1] = get_cpu_accessible<TT>(a2);
20         // do the calculation
21         for (size_t i = 0; i < n_elem; ++i)
22             pao[i] = pa1[i] + pa2[i];
24         // return the result
25         return ao;
26         )
28     TECA_ERROR("Failed to add the arrays unsupported type")
29     return nullptr;
30 }

Here we’ve added calls to get_cpu_accessible function which ensures the data as accessible on the CPU and returns a smart pointer managing the life span of any temporaries that were needed, as well as a naked pointer which can be used to access the array’s elements. Because we are assuming that both of the input arrays have the same type we’ve also called the convenience method, assert_type, to verify that the type of the second array is indeed the same as the first. It is often the case that we will need to deal with multiple input types. This is described below.

Write access to an array’s elements

The results of our calculations are returned in arrays we allocate. Because we have allocated the array ourselves, and have declared where it will be allocated (CPU or GPU), there is no need for data movement or temporary buffers. Instead we can access the pointer to the array’s memory directly using the teca_variant_array_impl::data method.

Direct access should be preferred when ever we are certain of an array’s location. This is because while the smart pointers returned by the accessibility methods used to manage the life span of temporaries are relatively cheap, they have overheads including the smart pointer’s constructor calls to malloc, which synchronizes threads due to use of locks in many malloc implementations. Note: Google’s tcmalloc library can provide increased performance for multithreaded codes such as TECA and is recommended.

Listing 6 Accessing outputs with write access.
 1 p_teca_variant_array add_cpu(const const_p_teca_variant_array &a1,
 2                              const const_p_teca_variant_array &a2)
 3 {
 4     size_t n_elem = a1->size();
 6     // allocate the output
 7     p_teca_variant_array ao = a1->new_instance(n_elem);
 9     // select array type and apply code to each supported type
12         // cast output and get pointer to its elements
13         auto [pao] = data<TT>(ao);
15         // cast inputs and get pointers to their elements
16         assert_type<CTT>(a2);
17         auto [spa1, pa1] = get_cpu_accessible<CTT>(a1);
18         auto [spa2, pa1] = get_cpu_accessible<CTT>(a2);
20         // do the calculation
21         for (size_t i = 0; i < n_elem; ++i)
22             pao[i] = pa1[i] + pa2[i];
24         // return the result
25         return ao;
26         )
28     TECA_ERROR("Failed to add the arrays unsupported type")
29     return nullptr;
30 }

We’ve added the data calls to get writable pointer to the output array’s elements. With this the code is finally complete. The above example serves as a template for new data processing implementations.

Accessing data for use on the GPU

TECA’s load balancers automatically assign each thread a CPU core or a CPU core and a GPU. When assigned a GPU it is important that calculations be made using the assigned device. Here we show the changes needed to calculate on the GPU. Generally speaking the steps needed to access data on the GPU are to:

# Activate the assigned device. # Declare that we will access input data on the GPU. Data will be moved for us if needed. # Allocate the output data on the assigned device and get a raw pointer to it. # launch the kernel that performs the calculation.

Here is the example modified for calculation on the GPU.

Listing 7 Accessing data on the GPU.
 1 p_teca_variant_array add_cuda(const const_p_teca_variant_array &a1,
 2                               const const_p_teca_variant_array &a2)
 3 {
 4     size_t n_elem = a1->size();
 6     // allocate the output
 7     p_teca_variant_array ao = a1->new_instance(n_elem, allocator::cuda_async);
 9     // select array type and apply code to each supported type
12         // cast output and get pointer to its elements
13         auto [pao] = data<TT>(ao);
15         // cast inputs and get pointers to their elements
16         assert_type<CTT>(a2);
17         auto [spa1, pa1] = get_cuda_accessible<CTT>(a1);
18         auto [spa2, pa1] = get_cuda_accessible<CTT>(a2);
20         // launch the kernel to do the calculation
21         ...
23         // return the result
24         return ao;
25         )
27     TECA_ERROR("Failed to add the arrays unsupported type")
28     return nullptr;
29 }

The main changes here are specifying a GPU allocator, calling the GPU accessibility methods, and launching a CUDA kernel.

Dealing with multiple input array types

In many cases a calculation will need to access multiple arrays, all of which could potentially have a different data type. One common scenario is needing to access mesh coordinates as well as node centered data. The NESTED_VARIANT_ARRAY_DISPATCH macros can be used in these situations. The nested dispatch macros use token pasting so that the aliases are given unique names such that the macros can be nested. The following code snippet taken from the teca_vorticity algorithm illustrates.

Listing 8 Accessing data with multiple types.
 1 // allocate the output array
 2 p_teca_variant_array vort = comp_0->new_instance(comp_0->size());
 4 // compute vorticity
 6     lon.get(), _COORD,
 8     assert_type<TT_COORD>(lat);
10     auto [sp_lon, p_lon,
11           sp_lat, p_lat] = get_cpu_accessible<CTT_COORD>(lon, lat);
14         comp_0.get(), _DATA,
16         assert_type<TT_DATA>(comp_1);
18         auto [sp_comp_0, p_comp_0,
19               sp_comp_1, p_comp_1] = get_cpu_accessible<CTT_DATA>(comp_0, comp_1);
21         auto [p_vort] = data<TT_DATA>(vort);
23         ::vorticity(p_vort, p_lon, p_lat,
24             p_comp_0, p_comp_1, lon->size(), lat->size());
25         )
26     )

In the nested dispatch macros an additional parameter specifying an identifier that is pasted onto the usual aliases must be provided. The identifier _COORD is passed to the first dispatch macro where we select the data type of mesh coordinate arrays. The identifier _DATA is is passed to the second dispatch macro where we select the data type of the wind variable.

Environment Variables

A number of environment variables can be used to modify the runtime behavior of the system. Generally these must be set prior to the application starting. In some cases these are useful in Python scripts as well.




The number of CPU threads serving data to each GPU in the system. The default value is 8.


The number of MPI ranks per node allowed to use each GPU. The default is 1 MPI rank per GPU. TECA will use multiple threads within a rank to service assigned GPUs. This environment variable may be useful when threading cannot be used.


If set to FALSE, or 0, MPI initialization is skipped. This can be used to run in serial on Cray login nodes.


If set to 0 or FALSE regression tests will update the associated baseline images.


TECA comes with an extensive regression test suite which can be used to validate your build. The tests can be executed from the build directory with the ctest command.

ctest --output-on-failure

Note that PYTHONPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH will need to be set to include the build’s lib directory and PATH will need to be set to include “.”.

Timing and Profiling

TECA contains built in profiling mechanism which captures the run time of each stage of a pipeline’s execution and a sampling memory profiler.

The profiler records the times of user defined events and sample memory at a user specified interval. The resulting data is written in parallel to a CSV file in rank order. Times are stored in one file and memory use samples in another. Each memory use sample includes the time it was taken, so that memory use can be mapped back to corresponding events.


In some cases TECA’s built in profiling can negatively impact run time performance as the number of threads is increased. For that reason one should not use it in performance studies. However, it is well suited to debugging and diagnosing scaling issues and understanding control flow.


The profiler is not built by default and must be compiled in by adding -DTECA_ENABLE_PROFILER=ON to the CMake command line. Be sure to build in release mode with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release and also add -DNDEBUG to the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE. Once compiled the built in profiler may be enabled at run time via environment variables described below or directly using its API.

Runtime controls

The profiler is activated by the following environment variables. Environmental variables are parsed in teca_profiler::initialize. This should be automatic in most cases as it’s called from teca_mpi_manager which is used by parallel TECA applications and tests.




a binary mask that enables logging. 0x01 – event profiling enabled. 0x02 – memory profiling enabled.


path to write timer log to


path to write memory profiler log to


float number of seconds between memory recordings


The command line application teca_profile_explorer can be used to analyze the log files. The application requires a timer profile file and a list of MPI ranks to analyze be passed on the command line. Optionally a memory profile file can be passed as well. For instance, the following command was used to generate figure Fig. 18.

./bin/teca_profile_explorer -e bin/test/test_bayesian_ar_detect \
   -m bin/test/test_bayesian_ar_detect_mem -r 0

When run the teca_profile_explorer creast an interactive window displaying a Gantt chart for each MPI rank. The chart is organized with a row for each thread. Threads with more events are displayed higher up. For each thread, and every logged event, a colored rectangle is rendered. There can be 10’s - 100’s of unique events per thread thus it is impractical to display a legend. However, clicking on an event rectangle in the plot will result in all the data associated with the event being printed in the terminal. If a memory profile is passed on the command line the memory profile is normalized to the height of the plot and shown on top of the event profile. The maximum memory use is added to the title of the plot. Example output is shown in Fig. 18.


Fig. 18 Visualization of TECA’s run time profiler for the test_bayesian_ar_detect regression test, run with 1 MPI rank and 10 threads.

Creating PyPi Packages

The typical sequence for pushing and testing to PyPi is as follows. Be sure to add an rc number to the version in when testing since these are unique and cannot be reused.

python3 build_ext
python3 install
python3 sdist
python3 -m twine upload --repository-url dist/*
pip3 install --index-url teca

Python Coding Standard

Match the C++ coding standard as closely as possible. Deviate from the C++ coding standard in ways described by PEP8. Use pycodestyle to check the source code before committing.

C++ Coding Standard

TECA has adopted the following code standard in an effort to simplify maintenance and reduce bugs. The TECA source code ideally will look the same no matter who wrote it. The following partial description is incomplete. When in doubt refer to the existing code and follow the conventions there in.

Tabs, spaces, and indentation

  • use no tab t chars

  • leave no trailing white space at the end of lines and files

  • indent 4 spaces

  • use a single space between operators. For example:

    a < b
  • wrap lines at or before 80 characters.

  • when wrapping assignments the = goes on the preceding line. For example:

    unsigned long long a_very_lon_name =
        a_long_function_name_that_returns_a_value(foo, bar, baz);
  • when wrapping conditionals logical operators go on the preceding line. For example:

    if (first_long_condition || second_long_condition ||
        // more code here


  • use standard C++ bracing, braces go on the previous indentation level. For example :

    if (a < b)
  • use braces when conditional branch takes more than one line, including when wrapped.

  • use braces on all conditional branches in the same series when any one of the branches takes more than one line.

Variable, function, and class names

  • use lower case with _ separators. This is often called “snake case”


  • to be defined in all caps, and do not require a semicolon. For example :

    DO_SOMETHING(blah, blah)
  • write macros so that they may be safely used in single line conditional branches.


  • prefer all capitals for template typenames

  • use TEMPLATE_DISPATCH macros for dispatching to templated data structures


  • treat warnings as errors, developers should use -Wall or the compiler equivalent ( -Weverything, /W4, etc)


  • conditionals may omit braces, in that case the code should be on the following line (i.e. no one liners). For example :

    if (a < b)


  • don’t include using directives

  • use include guards of the format. For example :

    #ifndef file_name_h
    #define file_name_h
    // header file code here


  • use this pointer to access member variables, unless it’s a private member variable prepended with m_

  • use the this pointer to call member functions and access member variables

  • use PIMPL idiom

  • use std::shared_ptr in place of C style pointers for data structures that are costly to copy.

  • use TECA’s convenience macros where possible

  • use const qualifiers when ever possible

Reporting errors

  • from functions return a non-zero value to indicate an error. return zero when the function succeeds

  • use the TECA_ERROR macro to report internals errors where it useful to include the call stack as context. The call stack is almost always useful when inside internal implementation and/or utility functions.. For example :

    TECA_ERROR("message " << var)
  • use the TECA_FATAL_ERROR macro from the teca_algorithm overrides. This macro invokes the error handler which by default aborts execution hence no contextual information about the call stack will be reported.. For example :

    TECA_FATAL_ERROR("message " << var)

Exceptions and exception safety

  • the code is NOT designed for exception safety.

  • throw exceptions only when absolutely necessary and the program needs to terminate.

Thread safety and MPI collectives

  • design algorithms for thread per-pipeline invocation. this means avoiding the use of OpenMP for loop level parallelism.

  • algorithms need to be thread safe except for the first invocation of get_output_metadata.

  • MPI collectives are safe to use in the first invocation of get_output_metadata.


  • New code will not be accepted without an accompanying regression test

  • New code will not be accepted when existing tests fail

  • Regression tests should prefer analytic solutions when practical

  • Test data should be as small as possible.